Today, July 15, is a typical day at the office for most OAI employees, but for CEO Maureen O’Brien and President Stanley Kennedy, today is a special day. Four years ago on July 15, Oakman Aerospace was born into the aerospace industry. “Back then we had a lot of ideas that we knew would make us successful and today we are able to see those ideas and dreams as realities” (Maureen O’Brien).
From an office of 7 employees in 2012, to an office of now 11 in 2016, Oakman Aerospace, Inc. continues to grow exponentially each year that we are in business. From new partnerships with New Space Systems in South Africa, to continuing STEM outreach with the Metropolitan State University of Denver, OAI remains relentless in our goal to become bigger and better each year. In 4 short years we have added a handful of new employees to our team who have helped us accomplish more that we could have ever imagined.
In 2015 we were voted as a top 50 Colorado Company to Watch, as well as one of the top 250 privately owned companies. OAI President and Chief Systems Engineer, Stanley Kennedy, Jr., started off 2016 with a bang when he was invited to be a Colorado Space Business Roundtable board member. In addition to his new responsibility with the CSBR, Stan continues to serve as technical chair for the Frank J. Redd Student Competition at the Small Satellite Conference held in Logan, UT every year. Stan and Maureen also had the opportunity to set up an Oakman Aerospace, Inc. booth at the 4S Symposium, held in Valletta, Malta, a first for OAI! We are only halfway through 2016, but cannot wait to see what is in store for us in our 5 year of business!