Industry Trade Advisory Committee Appointment

U.S. Commerce Department’s Industry Trade Advisory Committee Appointment:
Stanley O. Kennedy, Jr. was recently appointed to the United States Commerce Department Industry Trade Advisory Committee on Aerospace Equipment (ITAC-1) as a representative from Oakman Aerospace, Inc., and of the U.S. aerospace and satellite technology industry sector.  The duties of the ITACs are to provide the President, through the Commerce Secretary and the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), with detailed policy and technical advice, information, and recommendations regarding trade barriers, negotiation of trade agreements, and implementation of existing trade agreements affecting industry sectors; and perform other advisory functions relevant to U.S. trade policy matters as may be requested by the Commerce Secretary and the USTR or their designees. The ITACs provide nonpartisan, industry input in the development of trade policy objectives.  The ITACs’ efforts have assisted the United States in putting forward unified positions when negotiating trade agreements.  The appointment will expire on February 17, 2014, with the termination of the Committee’s current charter.  The ITAC charters are renewed every four years, at which time all members’ appointments are considered for renewal.

NATO Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Specialists

Posted on January 15, 2013  by Stanley Kennedy Posted in News

NATO Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Specialists meeting on Risk and Reliability Assessment and Validation for Small Spacecraft:
OAI is supporting the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Science and Technology Organization (STO) Applied Vehicle Technology (AVT) panel’s specialists meeting on “Risk and Reliability Assessment and Validation for Small Spacecraft”.  Stanley O. Kennedy, Jr. will be supporting the meeting as a Co-Chair of Session 6 – New Concepts for Reliability Assessment and throughout the other sessions providing review and assessment of the current state-of-the-art techniques and approaches to assess and evaluate risk and associated reliability of small satellite programs in order to tailor design and verification standards for low cost spacecraft.  The end objective of the effort is to be able to understand the value of current methods and proposed concepts of risk and reliability assessment in terms of benefits in cost and availability means to enhance the value to be derived from small spacecraft.

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