Dana Turse, director of Space Deployable R&D programs for Roccor, recently accepted the role as chair of the High Strain Composites Technical Subcommittee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
High Strain Composites are enabling an emerging class of deployable space structures that undergo large deformations while being tightly packaged for launch, and the AIAA High Strain Composites Technical Subcommittee is an open forum through which issues pertinent to HSC engineering are discussed and actions are taken to organize the HSC community.
Roccor is a disruptive aerospace supplier providing low-cost, high-performance deployable structure and thermal management systems technology for government and commercial space customers.
“Turse’s passion for High Strain Composites makes her a perfect fit for this new role,” said Doug Campbell, president and CEO of Roccor. “She is an inspiring member of the Roccor team and plays an important role in our work developing cost-effective products for the industry.”
“I am honored to be elected to this position,” Turse said. “There are a lot of brilliant minds innovating in the area of High Strain Composites and I look forward to working with this community to advance the field.”
Turse’s role as chair will be to help engage the HSC community of stakeholders to establish new engineering practices and standards for design and qualification of high strain composite structures. She will also coordinate efforts to promote widespread acceptance of the field as an emerging area of structural and material mechanics for satellites including promoting educational outreach, technological development, open communication, and a standardization of materials and testing.
At Roccor, Turse oversees a range of HSC programs from early stage product development through flight hardware delivery. Her highly practical perspective on the emerging field is a natural complement to the talented cadre of academic researchers who have evolved the field from early laboratory studies to early flight validation tests. Turse has several patents for high strain composite devices and a long history of collaboration with other companies and government research facilities throughout the industry where the technology is gaining use.
Prior to joining Roccor in 2016, Turse served as manager of deployable space structures and senior mechanical engineer at Composite Technology Development (CTD) in Lafayette, Colorado, and prior to joining CTD, Turse received her degree in mechanical engineering from Colorado State University.
About Roccor
Roccor was founded in 2011 and is based in Longmont, Colorado. It is a fast-growing, vibrant, high technology aerospace supplier in the aerospace, thermal management, and combat care industries. Roccor’s novel designs address cost and performance limitations to revolutionize spaceflight and military operations. The company has contracts with NASA, the U.S. military, and commercial space companies all around the world and have already delivered five spaceflight deployable systems for use on U.S. government orbital programs. By the end of 2018, Roccor will have flown and/or qualified five high strain composite deployable systems on small satellites.