AIAA/USU Small Satellite Conference Demo with AAC and FJR Student Competition

On August 2-7, OAI and AAC participated in the 28th Annual American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)/Utah State University (USU) Conference on Small Satellites in Logan, UT. OAI and AAC successfully demonstrated a real-time Global Testbed Demonstration (GTB) at the Conference.

In conjunction with the AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites is the Annual Frank J. Redd Student Competition. OAI was pleased to support the Student Competition as a Gold Sponsor and with Stan Jr. serving as the Technical Chairman. The Student Competition provides undergraduate and post-graduate students the opportunity to share their work on small satellite concepts and missions, where endowment funds are awarded to competition finalists presenting at the Small Satellite Conference. OAI would like to congratulate the winners of this year’s 22nd Annual Frank J. Redd Student Competition!
Conference Link:

Front row (Left to Right): John Hwang, Tam Nguyen, Sreeja Nag 
Back Row (Left to Right): Jeremy Castaing, Iverson Bell, Thomas Sears

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