
Mission Overview
The European Space Agency’s (ESA) PROBA-3 mission is the world’s first precision formation flying mission set to create an artificial eclipse to further our understanding of the Sun and its impact on Earth. Set to launch on November 29, 2024, Proba-3’s two satellites will together form a 144-m long solar coronagraph to study the Sun’s faint corona closer to the solar rim than has ever before been achieved. Besides its scientific interest, the experiment will be a perfect instrument to measure the achievement of the precise positioning of the two spacecraft. It will be enabled using a wide variety of new technologies.
Redwire is responsible for Proba-3 spacecraft integration, testing, and the onboard computer. Redwire is also responsible for the integration, testing, and the development of one of the technology demonstration payloads: the 3D Energetic Electron Spectrometer, a high-fidelity 3D energetic electron spectrometer.
Redwire Technology
ADPMS: Redwire’s Europe team provided two second-generation Advanced Data and Power Management Systems (ADPMS), which were adapted for the PROBA-3 mission, along with the avionics design for both vehicles. The onboard computer, part of ADPMS, is the “brain” of the two spacecraft.
The 3D Energetic Electron Spectrometer is a high-fidelity 3D energetic electron spectrometer. capable of measuring the energy of electrons up to 10 MeV and protons up to 300MeV. 3DEES features up to 12 apertures, which makes it possible to measure the angular distribution of radiation in space.
Mission Highlights
The #SolarEclipse happens next week, but at @ESA we're planning to make our own! Our #Proba3 mission for blocking out the Sun between two spacecraft is being unveiled to media this afternoon at @RedwireSpace in 🇧🇪, & you can follow live from 1330 CEST https://t.co/XZ9084S9cZ pic.twitter.com/Gum2voh8EQ
— ESA Technology (@ESA_Tech) April 3, 2024
An Airbus team donned precautionary bulletproof vests to perform a pressurisation test on the Proba-3 Coronagraph spacecraft, while also filling the Occulter spacecraft with the nitrogen its cold gas thrusters will employ https://t.co/bEZEaEMMr1 pic.twitter.com/Ebfuj6OZZb
— ESA Technology (@ESA_Tech) November 19, 2024
If you missed it, we’ve been taking you behind the scenes as we prepare for the Proba-3 launch! 🚀 Check out our Road to Launch blog to explore key milestones and see how our team has been on the ground supporting this groundbreaking @esa mission.
— Redwire Space (@RedwireSpace) November 11, 2024
Read more:… pic.twitter.com/CEnoCaCu4U
🚀Redwire is gearing up for a major fourth quarter! Four spacecraft, including the Proba-3 dual-satellite, are being prepped for delivery at Redwire’s advanced cleanroom facility in Belgium, which has emerged as a world-class satellite integration and processing site for major… pic.twitter.com/KiKPRDU1Zi
— Redwire Space (@RedwireSpace) October 14, 2024
Ahead of the #solareclipse on April 8, we previewed the Proba-3 spacecraft in Belgium. This mission, launching later this year, will study the Sun by creating an artificial eclipse. Explore our media day highlights by watching our live stream: https://t.co/qAuyQ3UjXU pic.twitter.com/vADOTJzcLS
— Redwire Space (@RedwireSpace) April 4, 2024
Goodbye, #PROBA3!
— Redwire Space (@RedwireSpace) April 25, 2023
The PROBA-3 spacecraft has left our Belgium facility to go to Germany for further testing. #DYK satellites have their own transportation containers to protect them from damage + controls spacecraft temperature and humidity levels? More: https://t.co/QxOgDrjjJn pic.twitter.com/NhUFq9hlqF
Excited to see Proba-3 taking the next steps toward launch! 🚀Redwire’s team on the ground is actively monitoring the dual-satellite system, ensuring temperature and pressure stability while managing latch valves and heaters as needed. Proud to contribute to this groundbreaking… https://t.co/UzrJ4PoQRm
— Redwire Space (@RedwireSpace) November 19, 2024
🚀 Proba-3 Road to Launch Updates 🚀
— Redwire Space (@RedwireSpace) November 13, 2024
We’ve been taking you behind the scenes of @esa's Proba-3 mission, the world’s first precision formation flying mission to study the sun’s corona. Previously, we showed our Redwire Belgium team on the ground preparing Proba-3 for its journey… pic.twitter.com/okZBd81E2j
🔴Seeing red...
— European Space Agency (@esa) March 6, 2024
View of laser-based testing at @RedwireSpace for our precision formation-flying mission #Proba3. One spacecraft will block the Sun in front of another to form an artificial 'solar eclipse' in space... pic.twitter.com/tj1AttGxjH
Proba-3 has recently completed its final operations tests at Redwire’s Belgium facilities, proving it’s ready for space!
— Redwire Space (@RedwireSpace) October 13, 2024
Redwire worked with scientists at the Royal Observatory of Belgium in Brussels and @ESA ESEC receiving and processing commands to the spacecraft located at… pic.twitter.com/8WEbrRp7jS
The #PROBA3 spacecraft recently reached a major milestone: Integration complete!
— Redwire Space (@RedwireSpace) March 30, 2023
Built by Redwire's team in Belgium, PROBA-3 is the world's first precision formation flying mission with new Redwire technology onboard, a computer system + spectrometer: https://t.co/QxOgDrjjJn pic.twitter.com/aH4Kw4Z0VB
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