On January 14, a crucial step for the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Proba-3 mission was accomplished after the mission’s two spacecraft successfully separated. Since launching in November, the spacecraft had been traveling jointly. The spacecraft are now continuing their journey to study the Sun’s corona as the world’s first precision formation flying mission. As a member of the Proba-3 team, Redwire’s Proba-3 operations team was on the ground at mission control for this exciting milestone. Read more about the update on the ESA blog here.
Redwire is proud to be part of the Proba-3 team. Redwire’s facility in Belgium was responsible for Proba-3 spacecraft integration and testing. Redwire also provided the spacecraft’s onboard computer, which is the “brain” of the mission, along with one of the technology demonstration payloads, the 3D Energetic Electron Spectrometer (3DEES), a high-fidelity 3D energetic electron spectrometer.
Read more about Proba-3’s “Road to Launch” with the Redwire team on the blog here.